Last edited by 71taa In 2018-5-8 07:59 Editor
I've runned the attached code on my test rig (ddcsv2.1 + closed loop stepper on X). Spent some time to rule out problems with interference (unshielded cables laying everywhere) and received similar picture. Not full stops though, but clear reduction of the speed (sometimes till the zero), esp. when it comes to the middle of the programm.
As PPRINT earlier, I've suspected problems with micromoves and arc interpolation alghoritms of the controller. So I've played with settings, and for 8000 subdivision of steps on driver, 1280 pulses per mm and 300mm/s2 in controller I've received stop-free execution, but still with clearly seen heavy decelerations while in problem spots. 100mm/s2 had much more stops/decelerations, for example.BTW while I had problems with interferences I had a lot more shakes and stops on the stepper, probably controller is sensitive to them.