Last edited by stivemaster In 2019-7-22 23:33 Editor
Unfortunately, I encountered this controller with software version 89. Now, on another controller that came with version 99, I installed version111 and I still see the same mistakes. With the development of the controller software, people who do not understand the job with a machine on which this controller will be placed.
First problem:
After installing the new version of the software, the PAGE button does not work if the flash is not inserted. What is this error?
Second problem:
Right now, I can not understand how it is possible for all axes to work almost normally, and only the A jog is working constantly in the first pressed direction and does not stop. The MGP mode normally works in one direction and the other. Please tell us where this annoying mistake comes from!
And a little more constructive criticism!
The settings continue to include the fifty types of gears that have to be set and are not complied with. There is still a detailed description of the tuning parameters !!!
It is not time to consult with a specialist to explain that the CNC machines have only the maximum speed. It is used at G0. G1 is a percentage of G0 and is determined by G code as usually reaching 100%. The jog speed is in percent of the maximum and depends on whether there is a fast and slow jog button and usually is 30-50%. The home speed is in percent of the maximum and is usually 10-30%.
What is not understood , that new types of speeds have to be invented?