Hello everyone,
I have a stupid problem and maybe someone ran into the same and can help me...
When I start a probe, the spindel goes down, until the probe contact is closed (so far, so good), but then it does not rise (at least most of the time) but starts beeping and requires a RESET.
The interesting thing: If I "simulate" the touch by puting some metal between the tool and the probe contact and remove it imediately after the touch, the contact is recognized correctly and the spindle rises as expected - no RESET needed at all.
I think, the problem is, that the probe contact is still closed at the end of a small time out after probing and DDCSV checks this status and goes into error stage, if true.
May be, the behavour is as described due to the fact, that I use an "inverted" probe signal: I set parameter #70 "Probe signal electric level" to heigh, connected the probe input by a 2.2kOhm pullup resistor to +12V-I and connected GND-I to GND (wich is connected to the metal parts of the machine).
Ytliu: would be fine if you have any idea!