Digital Dream Technology support

Title: add a function to wait for an input signal [Print This Page]

Author: Franklin    Time: 2020-12-11 18:08
Title: add a function to wait for an input signal
Last edited by Franklin In 2020-12-11 21:10 Editor

Hi, can you add a function to wait for an input signal, like M66 in linuxCNC?M66 wait on an input stops further execution of the program, until the input to go to the HIGH state.I think need to use unused sensors for example a home or other.
It's real to do this? Thanks.

Author: ShaniaDDream    Time: 2021-3-26 11:08
DDCS-Expert can supply the function you need. You can self-define the G or M code, for any commands you need.
Author: Franklin    Time: 2021-3-27 03:06
It would be useful to do this on DDCSV3.1, I made about 10 machines with this controller and I really need such a function. Can you make such a firmware?
Author: ShaniaDDream    Time: 2021-4-20 10:28
If you insist on using DDCS V3.1, you can do customized service in our factory, because it is a secondary software.

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