DDCSV2.1 - Standalone CNC Motion Controller - On 184 Page - Digital Dream Technology support
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Preview the first controller starts New uers posts NikoTien 2018-11-26 26307 NikoTien 2018-11-29 11:03
Preview Extended Inputs and Outputs Ports New uers posts jjae6 2018-11-25 14911 jjae6 2018-11-27 15:38
Preview Tool probe mode1 New uers posts attachment rmat 2018-11-20 26818 rmat 2018-11-21 00:35
Preview MPG - Rough and jumpy motion Androcles 2018-11-12 25981 dmal2002 2018-11-20 01:01
Preview How to do automatic feeder? New uers posts pantani 2018-11-13 46193 pantani 2018-11-16 09:34
Preview Spindle speed New uers posts andrzejdu1 2018-11-15 15486 rmat 2018-11-15 16:47
Preview Overwrite Overwrites... New uers posts JPoepsel 2018-11-9 35446 JPoepsel 2018-11-12 15:53
Preview DDCSV2.1 is not working properly New uers posts tahanm 2018-11-7 86377 ytliu 2018-11-10 07:02
Preview Visualization New uers posts attachment  ...2 Сергей 2018-11-1 1111997 Сергей 2018-11-6 03:43
Preview DDCSV slows down when executing G-code attachment Nikolay81 2018-11-2 16098 ytliu 2018-11-3 17:28
Preview Main Page Machine position values New uers posts djmrozinski 2018-11-2 15466 Nikolay81 2018-11-2 22:21
Preview Using M101 and M102 commands attachment  ...2 Nikolay81 2018-10-3 1619111 Nikolay81 2018-10-31 18:27
Preview Getting the current axes coordinates  ...2 Nikolay81 2018-10-17 1332177 Nikolay81 2018-10-30 19:29
Preview Suggestion for improvement to SOFT LIMIT feature attachment  ...2 math_indy 2018-10-13 1513957 Nikolay81 2018-10-30 18:19
Preview G02 circular and G01 diagonal motion video attachment math_indy 2018-10-19 25638 ytliu 2018-10-28 10:39
Preview DDCSV for lathe New uers posts Teddi 2018-10-22 16098 ytliu 2018-10-22 20:31
Preview Videos of my DDCSV2.1 Three Axis Grinder Installation math_indy 2018-10-6 14707 dwafl3 2018-10-15 00:21
Preview G153 maybe not working right in Imperial mode attachment math_indy 2018-10-12 25617 math_indy 2018-10-12 22:21
Preview Four digit inch (Imperial) resolution? math_indy 2018-9-15 26410 math_indy 2018-10-10 02:41
Preview Seperate X,Y,Z,A operation accelerations? attachment  ...2 math_indy 2018-10-3 1012082 math_indy 2018-10-10 02:28
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