Last edited by Dean In 2020-3-31 00:48 Editor
I recently updated to the latest version and this resolved my inch units feed issue. I have successfully ran a g-code file that I had previously ran on LinuxCNC.
However, I now find that I have bad behavior during homing. The behavior is random, sometimes it homes correctly. Other times I have an axis running into the positive direction after homing. I must press emergency stop to prevent problems. After attempting this many times I can eventually get it to home all three axis.
I should describe my machines limit and home switch arrangement. I have a micro switch at the minimum and maximum travel at each axis.
My home and minimum limit are the same. More importantly all the homes switches are in parallel and all the max limit switches are in parallel.
So I have two wires coming back from the machine. One wire will go low if ANY HOME switch closes. The other wire will go low if ANY MAX LIMIT switch closes. The connection on the DDCS is the single home line goes to X,Y,Z home input. The max limit goes to the max X,YZ limit inputs.
I have the back off distance for each axis sufficient to ensure that the home switch re-opens before the DDCS proceeds to home the next axis.
Not sure what is wrong. The controller performs the home search correctly, and it seems to move the small back distance, but then after that it sometimes starts going in the positive direction until I hit estop. This problem occurs if I home all three axis (sequentially) or even if I try to home an individual axis.