I just ran the code on my machine and did not see any reduction in speed. I will link a video below. I ran the first 2:40 minutes at 300% override (est 7200mm/min) until the program made it to the last z height and started it's inward morphing. At that point it was pounding my machine pretty bad so I slowed it back down to 100% override. I didn't see any reduction of speed. If I ran this sort of code all the time I would have to spend time tuning the parameters in the control and my drivers to get that pounding out. Since I am not worried about speed on this hobby machine I will leave that for another day. https://youtu.be/RGxIPwSjoWE Turn the sound down unless you love the scream of a cheap air-cooled router motor. It does start sounding like a scene from Jurassic Park once it gets to pounding in the bottom. LOL |
AOA I have DDCSV 3.1 .I purchased a fresh piece.Its input output and mpg ports are not working . I did all the wiring according to the instructions .Plz help me And how to reset the controller setting. |
Okay, it seems to be working now, adjusted the steps so they are the same on all axes. The weird thing is that I started with it like that, 160pulses/mm on all axes, and it still failed as shown in the first video. But I will try to post back here if it gives me trouble again. Thanks a lot for all the help, really appreciate it! BTW, are there any new functions/features planned for this controller? |
Hi,Androcles I read the configuration file you provided earlier and found that the pulse equivalents of the X and Y axes are not the same. This will cause a hard arc fault. You can set the pulse equivalent to the same, or use a soft arc method. |
"alexwalex" I just tried using your settings: "34,35 - 800 45,46 - 1000 263,264 - 2000 99 - 1000" and oddly enough when i changed the acceleration parameters in manual mode to your values it stopped doing the jerky moves. Those accelerations were far too high for my machine though because of the inertia in the gantry. But then I reverted and used the following values: 34: 160 35: 400 45 and 46: 100mm/s^2 263 and 264: 100mm/s^2 99: 300mm/s^2 And now it runs the file smooth.. It seems as if there is something weird going on with this controller... "ytliu" The file is the same as the one I uploaded earlier. And here are my current settings attached were things are working but maybe you can spot something weird. |
5.51 KB, Down times: 1081
Hi,Androcles! Is the processing file in the video different from the file you provided on the forum, can you upload the file used in your video? Also, you can copy the /mnt/nand1-1/setting file to a USB flash drive and upload it. It's easy for us to analyze. Thank you! |
Hi Androcles ! I tested you programm in my controller. https://youtu.be/RMO-UQGULYk And i not see a noticeable slowdown. Only at the end of the program present there is a slight slowdown: https://youtu.be/pxYPNGNlHjY Parameters of my controller: 34,35 - 800 45,46 - 1000 263,264 - 2000 99 - 1000 |
71taa Thanks a lot for your detailed post. It seems identical to what I have tried also our settings a very alike. I tried installing the newest firmware again, and at first it seemed like it worked a lot better, but the after short time the decelerations came back... It really seems like it can't handle the code and being able to time the pulses correctly, but it should be more than capable of that with my settings (currently turned the pulses/mm down to 160 as I have been using that always with mach 3 and 4. Tried bumping up the feedrate, and this is how it behaved https://streamable.com/n0v3n A lot more irratic motion |
Last edited by 71taa In 2018-5-9 00:22 Editor enjoy_cnc Posted at 2018-5-8 22:07 In case if it will help - added a video of my test setup as well: https://youtu.be/9QCczdX6cAs Timing (video): 3.51-3.52 4.01 5.34 Hiccups before/aftter the vertical center of the scallop in the part there is no significant changes of X coordinate. That's the most strange thing here. As there is no mechanics - the tonality of the stepper sound could be used to locate those spots easily. 8.00 8.08 8.23 ... and so on (the closer to the end of the programm - the more prominent slowdowns). Here we have clear corellation with the moment then the X axis steps betwen minimum negative coordinates and minimum posotive coordinates. Probably it's expected, but maybe not: ![]() X-0.117 Y-20.354 X-0.003 Y-20.86 X0.002 X0.171 Y-20.101 X0.332 Y-19.343 And later it starts to slow down in different parts of the programm. The settings are:LCDA357H+LC57H3100 on the X axis only. 24V/5A dedicated for the controller, 36V/12A for the stepper driver. No limit switches/probe/etc Switching off the encoder on the stepper doesn't change the picture (checked as well)/ The driver is 5000 pulses/rev. Tried different subdivisions on driver/pulses per mm in the controller - slowdowns are present, but change in scale/time. Tried 91 and 93 builds, tried enabling of the soft arc - no difference ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |