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Preview Hello, I tried to drive a lathe with DDCS, it works fine New uers posts leo121 2021-10-25 12291 AdaDDream 2021-10-25 15:21
Preview I cannot load the control program New uers posts Blast 2021-10-19 02284 Blast 2021-10-19 04:04
Preview USB флешка XICIKGL New uers posts Toha 2021-10-5 12680 AdaDDream 2021-10-9 10:05
Preview Automatic Tool Change New uers posts Saeed 2021-10-9 02442 Saeed 2021-10-9 01:13
Preview usb hub working is unstable New uers posts attach_img AndreyB 2021-8-16 23140 AdaDDream 2021-9-27 13:34
Preview Ddcsv3.1 on LATHE ??? gmillwater 2021-9-23 22851 AndreyB 2021-9-23 19:45
Preview ANYONE USING DDCSV3.1 ON LATHE? gmillwater 2021-9-23 12373 AdaDDream 2021-9-23 14:17
Preview DDCSV3.2 New uers posts Sean 2021-9-18 54944 Belwect 2021-9-23 00:48
Preview G0 speed too slow gmillwater 2021-9-22 02369 gmillwater 2021-9-22 22:43
Preview Parameter settings to factory default settings New uers posts Neil 2021-9-4 23361 Neil 2021-9-22 13:55
Preview DDCS3.1 how to connect to Gecko drive New uers posts Dean 2021-9-17 02192 Dean 2021-9-17 15:52
Preview Reset Soft Limit New uers posts Dave18 2021-8-31 13028 AdaDDream 2021-9-17 15:48
Preview how to use tool offsets? New uers posts attach_img ghall 2021-7-9 43982 AdaDDream 2021-9-13 14:47
Preview plasmasheetcam ddcs New uers posts Aeroxtremo 2021-9-8 02080 Aeroxtremo 2021-9-8 10:09
Preview Z Axis Change its position after breakpoint New uers posts rhobhrer 2021-9-2 12499 AndreyB 2021-9-2 19:56
Preview Help, my machine cut random circles and ruined my workpiece New uers posts attach_img imthexman 2021-9-2 12970 AndreyB 2021-9-2 19:12
Preview G-Code sample available? New uers posts attachment StefanS 2021-8-27 24910 StefanS 2021-8-27 20:08
Preview Axis Issue in Automatic Mode Only New uers posts FloorBoard 2021-8-22 02213 FloorBoard 2021-8-22 04:54
Preview G-code or Coordinate probem New uers posts JohanO 2021-4-13 23887 iturup 2021-8-22 04:17
Preview Размеры для установки New uers posts Chabanov 2021-8-20 02078 Chabanov 2021-8-20 22:45
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