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Preview Can I use GCode file for Mach3 (*.tap) run in DDCSV3.1 New uers posts PaitoonDDCS 2022-3-24 12538 call-me-laowang 2022-3-26 11:40
Preview Проблема с оси Z контроллер н..... New uers posts Rahmatjon 2022-3-8 01729 Rahmatjon 2022-3-8 12:54
Preview M8 does not work on RMHV3.1 New uers posts Jeffery 2022-3-5 12329 Jeffery 2022-3-6 09:17
Preview PROBE.NC from an external button. New uers posts Oleg35 2022-2-23 33172 Oleg35 2022-2-26 15:46
Preview Spindle connection New uers posts Frimas 2022-2-21 02029 Frimas 2022-2-21 22:54
Preview logo New uers posts martino 2022-2-10 33197 AdaDDream 2022-2-18 11:25
Preview PrintNC Sync Two Steppers New uers posts cszrwi 2022-2-14 02043 cszrwi 2022-2-14 17:15
Preview Driver outputs A,A/,B,B/ instead of PULSE/DIR New uers posts Spainis 2022-2-4 01932 Spainis 2022-2-4 22:38
Preview Pulse Width New uers posts Jones045 2021-12-16 13027 TRENTONHUDSON 2022-1-26 08:49
Preview Pulses per mm New uers posts gmillwater 2021-9-22 23669 TRENTONHUDSON 2022-1-26 08:46
Preview DDCSV3.1 A axis configuration problem New uers posts KVIEW 2022-1-23 22659 KVIEW 2022-1-24 11:50
Preview Circle Motion A axis 180" through M180 New uers posts abchumakia 2022-1-20 12186 AndreyB 2022-1-20 21:03
Preview cannot set pulses per unit New uers posts Oupajohn 2022-1-15 12581 AndreyB 2022-1-17 13:48
Preview DDCSV3.1для сварки деталей подой... New uers posts Egor2022@ 2022-1-3 42938 Egor2022@ 2022-1-5 09:06
Preview MPG wheel won't move any axis motor attach_img GotDiesel 2021-2-16 85917 MOHANLAL 2022-1-2 23:54
Preview The microcircuit burned out. Does anyone know what it's called? attach_img alexdpol 2021-9-7 43902 MOHANLAL 2022-1-2 23:04
Preview G03 turn wrong way New uers posts kristercnc 2021-12-28 22931 kristercnc 2022-1-1 16:58
Preview Axes A and Z is disabled! How to activate it? Bomb 2021-12-28 02116 Bomb 2021-12-28 15:52
Preview DDCSv3.1 How to activate Z and A axes? Bomb 2021-12-27 02105 Bomb 2021-12-27 17:37
Preview How do I slave A Axis to Y axis JoePyhala12 2021-12-26 02157 JoePyhala12 2021-12-26 06:51
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