Hello friends, I have a ddcs 4.1 control and I would like to measure the PCB thickness using the autoleveler program, unfortunately I do not see that the controller supports several G-code instructions (M40 and M41) - it is about creating a record file when performing a measurement with a probe. My question is how to modify and add these instructions to the DDCS 4.1 controller:
G90 G21 S20000 G17
M0 (Attach probe wires and clips that need attaching)
(Initialize probe routine)
G0 Z10 (Move clear of the board first)
G1 X0 Y0 F10000 (Move to bottom left corner)
G0 Z10 (Quick move to probe clearance height)
G31 Z-2 F5 (Probe to a maximum of the specified probe height at the specified feed rate)
G92 Z0 (Touch off Z to 0 once contact is made)
G0 Z10 (Move Z to above the contact point)
G31 Z-2 F2.5 (Repeat at a more accurate slower rate)
G92 Z0
G0 Z10
M40 (Begins a probe log file, when the window appears, enter a name for the log file such as "RawProbeLog.txt")
G0 Z10
G1 X0 Y0 F10000
G31 Z-2 F5
G0 Z10
G1 X1 Y0 F10000
G31 Z-2 F5
G0 Z10
G1 X2 Y0 F10000
G31 Z-2 F5
G0 Z10
G1 X3 Y0 F10000
G31 Z-2 F5