Last edited by ytliu In 2018-2-27 08:52 Editor
When turn the handwheel, if the screen coordinates only a small amount of change, the reason is generally handwheel A / B signal missing all the way caused。
Can judge the reason of the problem like this:
Disconnect handwheel B signal from controller, then turn handwheel,If the screen coordinates are still a slight change, the hand wheel A phase signal is connected to the controller B phase signal port,Then turn the handwheel, if the screen coordinates is still a slight variation, indicating the hand wheel problem, if the screen coordinates no change, indicating the controller problem.
If it is a controller fault, you can contact the dealer to replace, you can also locate and repair the fault,The figure is a schematic diagram of the handwheel coded signal.
If FPGA_WHA, FPGA_WHB signal waveforms are correct, then I'm sorry, you can only contact the vendor for replacement.
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