Plasmolifting PRP Practice in Orthopedics
How does PRP therapy work?
Modern technology for activating your own plasma allows you to make a treatment session quick and painless. A small amount of blood is taken from the venous bed of the applicant, from which platelet-rich plasma is obtained by centrifugation.
Since different blood elements have different sizes and weights, after treatment with a centrifuge, several layers are created in a test tube that make it easy to remove all unnecessary, leaving the platelets necessary for therapy. The normal platelet content in blood plasma is 180-320×109/l. After enrichment, they become 1000-2500 ×1009/l. At the same time, platelets themselves contain many biologically active substances — growth factors. The resulting solution is injected into the affected areas. In rare cases, 1 procedure is enough, but more often you have to do 3-5 manipulations with an interval of 7 days.
Learn more about the PRP Orthopedics Course
How to prepare for PRP therapy?
Before starting treatment, you need to consult a specialist. After examining the affected focus and finding out the anamnesis of the disease, the doctor will prescribe a course of plasma therapy. It is not necessary to prepare specially for the procedure, but it is necessary to remember some recommendations:
stop taking antithrombic drugs (including acetylsalicylic acid) in 2 weeks;
the day before the session, exclude alcoholic beverages;
the day before the session, do not exercise and avoid heavy physical exertion;
diversify the diet by including sources of vitamins of group B (whole grains, black bread) and C (sauerkraut, black currant), or take multivitamins,
just before the session you can drink up to two glasses of warm plain water.
