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Title: Ddcsv3.1 on LATHE ??? [Print This Page]

Author: gmillwater    Time: 2021-9-23 07:42
Title: Ddcsv3.1 on LATHE ???
I'm so frustrated because my code does exactly what it's supposed to do on any axis EXCEPT the Z axis. What gives. G0 is slow no matter the settings. And when you restart the code, it reverses and runs back to 0 then forward again!  And on a lathe, the Z axis is the carriage. ANYONE know whats going on with this $250 controller thats absolutely useless for a lathe????

Author: AdaDDream    Time: 2021-9-23 14:18
Sorry, DDCS V3.1 can not using on lathe.
Author: AndreyB    Time: 2021-9-23 19:45
What gives. G0 is slow no matter the settings

Whats speed?
Show all your "Autmatic control parameters"
And when you restart the code, it reverses and runs back to 0 then forward again!

Try delete /mnt/nand1-1/

Sorry, DDCS V3.1 can not using on lathe.

Why "DDCS V3.1 Users Manual" mentions lathes?

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