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Title: Home speed ignored? [Print This Page]

Author: grasvezel    Time: 2021-7-25 21:39
Title: Home speed ignored?
I am testing the homing function on the Y axis. I have two problems:

1) the Y Axis Home Speed (#57) seems to be ignored. I am testing the Y axis, I suppose it is the same with the other axes. Instead the Y Axis Max Speed in M_Ctrl mode (#42) seems to be used. Furthermore, this speed is applied to the stepper without any acceleration. Therefore it does not work, the stepper is just making noise and not moving. Manual control at this speed works fine, but then the acceleration parameters are applied. Lowering #42 makes homing work, but then the manual control speed is much lower than it could be (I had to lower it from 2000mm/min to 1200mm/min). Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

2) After homing, the axis is retracted a certain distance as set in #84. This is done *VERY* slowly. The display indicates 2 or 3 mm/minute. That means retracting 10mm would take about 5 minutes. How can I increase this speed?

Thanks a lot in advance!

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