Title: DDCS V3.1 SUBPROGRAM [Print This Page] Author: duckface Time: 2021-7-15 21:44 Title: DDCS V3.1 SUBPROGRAM Hi, I am learning DDCS v3.1. Can you tell me how I can call subroutines/subprograms in gcode? What should the subroutine/subprogram look like? I am asking for some examples Author: GrowFlo Time: 2021-7-21 16:44
I found this solution :
But I don't know how to launch a subprogram out of my main file.Author: weitling Time: 2021-11-3 22:54
A subroutine is called in your Gcode file. and is referring to a line numberAuthor: weitling Time: 2021-11-3 23:05 Last edited by weitling In 2021-11-3 23:06 Editor
A subroutine is called in your Gcode file. and is referring to a line number M98 start the subprogram and M99 return to the main program.
N5 M5 (Stop Spindel)
N10 M98 P100 (Call subprogram O100)
N15 G00 Z20 ( Goto Z safe)
M3 ( Start Spindel)
M30 (End of program)
O100 (O indicates that the subprogram start here)
N105 G38 2 (Probe command)
N110 M99 (Return to Main program N15)
I hope this helps Author: gmillwater Time: 2021-11-5 10:28
I use M98 in most of my turning programs for my lathe. The following example calls the sub 5 times, cutting .005" each pass.