Digital Dream Technology support

Title: Four digit inch (Imperial) resolution? [Print This Page]

Author: math_indy    Time: 2018-9-15 06:07
Title: Four digit inch (Imperial) resolution?

When parameter #115 "Unit Selection" is set to 1 (Imperial) the display is in 0.000 inches.  

Is there any way get the DDCSV2.1 to show four digits when in inch mode (0.0000")?  

This seems like a reasonable request as the mm display has three digits and 0.001mm = 0.00004".

Author: ytliu    Time: 2018-9-20 07:22
Thanks, I will adopt your suggestion.
Author: math_indy    Time: 2018-10-10 02:41
ytliu Posted at 2018-9-20 07:22
Thanks, I will adopt your suggestion.

I see that the latest software version now has inches mode now displayed with four digits (0.0000")!

YTLIU you are the best

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