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Title: Flared corners on carve [Print This Page]

Author: ApexCNC    Time: 2021-5-28 23:07
Title: Flared corners on carve
Good Day

I am having an issue with my corners varving flared with a round top corner when using a vcarve toolpath generated in Aspire. I am using gcode.tap files(mm) with an amana tool rc45711 90degree cutter. this phenomenon occurs with all cutters i have tried. i have also tested with a 60 degree, 30 degree and 15 degree cutter with the same/similar result.

Please see attached pics for examples. Any clues on why this is happening?

IMG_20210526_111647.jpg (265.74 KB, Down times: 317)


IMG_20210526_111724.jpg (579.6 KB, Down times: 320)

90 Degree letter R

90 Degree letter R

IMG_20210526_111724.jpg (579.6 KB, Down times: 317)


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