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Title: imperial measurement [Print This Page]

Author: bolek    Time: 2021-5-7 09:40
Title: imperial measurement
Hello all, I have ddcsv2.1 but on-screen say ddcs3v2.1 .I have it unused for a while. The old cutting toy went to the garbage because of the worn and parallel port. I made a new frame and decide to use ddcsv. All works great but don't have all limit switches I use a proximity sw. Working on the proper motor setup I decided to test run circle. Now I see every time the tool gets to the beginning of the circle the machine stop and waits for the controller to catch up. I try different G codes and screw with configuration. Now I know that I have to download  G codes into ddcsv. The problem is that I don't have the imperial measurement, no more, only metric. No matter if I change it in config it shaw in. but the value is in mm.
What did I do, help, please
Author: ShaniaDDream    Time: 2021-5-8 11:17
No matter if I change it in config it shaw in. but the value is in mm.--- Do you store the setting and then restart the machine?
Author: bolek    Time: 2021-5-9 10:58
I do store the setting and going to restart
Author: bolek    Time: 2021-5-9 11:09
Okay, I did it, I saved config in inches and restarted the unit. Nope, it shows inch but measuring in mm. Is it possible that I erased or change some config file?
Author: ShaniaDDream    Time: 2021-5-10 16:25
If so, please send email to jessy : for help. In case of  any misoperation, please do not erase or change some config file before  you asked jessy.
Author: bolek    Time: 2021-5-15 07:09
Hello, I did email Jessy at  while ego, unfortunately, no return message received
any other suggestions?
Author: ShaniaDDream    Time: 2021-5-18 10:08
Hi, when you choose "the imperial measurement", you need to configure your step equivalences the same as "the imperial measurement", or not, it is meaningless.

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