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Title: nested subroutines with DDCS V3 [Print This Page]

Author: alfmart58    Time: 2021-1-30 00:59
Title: nested subroutines with DDCS V3
This prg do not work, any clue?
o000 (main entrance)
N10 G90 G94 G17 G49 G40 G80
M98 P1500 L4  (call to first subroutine 4 times)
N150 M30  (end prg)

O1500  (first subroutine )
N3354 G91
N4675 A9   
N4680 G90
N4685 M98 P5000 L9    (call to second subr.)
N4690 M99 (retourn)

O5000  (second subr.)
N9860 G91
N9865 A9  
N4880 G90
N4885 M99 (retour)

Author: Robchiks    Time: 2021-2-24 16:07
o000 or O000 ?

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