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Title: problem arc step [Print This Page]

Author: more    Time: 2021-1-26 22:55
Title: problem arc step
ciao a tutti sono un principiante con ddcsv3.1 sto configurando la mia macchina manuale con motori passo-passo ho un problema quando esegue gli archi solo quando sembra che i motori girino più o meno alla stessa velocità nei movimenti lineari nessun problema sembrano ad impulsi del ddcsv3.1 non corretto ... i cavi sono schermati e non sono molto lunghi ho un alimentatore per il driver ... qualcuno sa cosa può essere? grazie mille

Author: more    Time: 2021-1-26 22:55
hi everyone i am a beginner with ddcsv3.1 i am configuring my manual machine with stepper motors i have a problem when it executes the arcs only when it seems the motors are spinning more or less at the same speed in linear movements no problem they seem to impulses del ddcsv3.1 not correct ... the cables are shielded and are not very long I have a power supply for the driver ... does anyone know what it can be? thank you so much
Author: more    Time: 2021-1-26 22:56
hi everyone i am a beginner with ddcsv3.1 i am configuring my manual machine with stepper motors i have a problem when it executes the arcs only when it seems the motors are spinning more or less at the same speed in linear movements no problem they seem to impulses del ddcsv3.1 not correct ... the cables are shielded and are not very long I have a power supply for the driver ... does anyone know what it can be? thank you so much
Author: ShaniaDDream    Time: 2021-3-15 15:43
1. Please check your value setting for pulse equivalent of each axis first. 2. If pulse equivalent of X and Y axis are in consistent with each other doing circular interpolation, then the hard algorithm is active; if not, you need to use soft algorithm (see #113).

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