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Title: G81, G73, G83: Peck Drilling Canned Cycles not working [Print This Page]

Author: bahor    Time: 2024-7-5 02:22
Title: G81, G73, G83: Peck Drilling Canned Cycles not working
Last edited by bahor In 2024-7-5 13:17 Editor

G81, G73, G83: Peck Drilling not working on DDCS V3.1 ?

( Made using CamBam - )
( 012002003007_vlojka_osnovi 7/4/2024 8:56:08 PM )
( T0 : 1.0 )
G21 G90 G91.1 G64 G40
G0 Z10.0
( T0 : 1.0 )
T0 M6
( Drill1 )
M3 S1000
G0 X115.0 Y9.0
G83 X115.0 Y9.0 Z-5.0 Q1.0 R1.0 F300.0
G83 X9.0 Z-5.0
G83 Y135.0 Z-5.0
G83 X115.0 Z-5.0
G0 Z10.0

What is the problem of the code not working on DDCS V3.1

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