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Title: G-Code: F command has no effect !! [Print This Page]

Author: lexus3    Time: 2021-1-17 15:16
Title: G-Code: F command has no effect !!
Hello, I have now tried all possibilities.
The machine always runs at the speed set in the terminal.
What can I do ?

G01 Z-0.500000 F50.0(Penetrate)
G01 X24.499609 Y19.283394 Z-0.500000 F100.000000
G02 X26.068461 Y18.633554 Z-0.500000 I0.000000 J-2.218693
G02 X26.718301 Y17.064704 Z-0.500000 I-1.568849 J-1.568850

G01 Z-0.500000 F50.0
G01 X24.499609 Y19.283394 Z-0.500000 F100
G02 X26.068461 Y18.633554 Z-0.500000 I0.000000 J-2.218693
G02 X26.718301 Y17.064704 Z-0.500000 I-1.568849 J-1.568850
Gruß Alex
Author: pz67    Time: 2021-2-10 23:26
Ciao , devi cambiare il parametro #15 , adesso è settato a 1 e legge sempre il valore di default , mettilo a 0 e leggerà
l'impostazione del Gcode

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