Title: Getting a standing desk [Print This Page] Author: thiefcrazy98 Time: 7 DayBefore Title: Getting a standing desk Hi all! I'm thinking about getting a standing desk and came across ProgressiveDesk desk frames. I wonder if they're worth the money. The company seems to have good reviews, but I'd like to hear from people who already use them. What's the quality like? They claim the frames are easy to adjust, but how does it work in practice? If you raise and lower the desk often, will it start to wobble or become unstable? Also, the lifespan of these frames is important - will the structure fall apart after a few years of use? What do you think? Author: evanduke Time: 6 DayBefore
I use ProgressiveDesk lift desks, so I can tell you from personal experience. I have had this desk for about a year now, and during this time I have not only appreciated its advantages, but also encountered some disadvantages. In fact, if we talk about quality, their lift desks are really strong and durable. I often change the height of the desk, since it is more convenient for me to work both sitting and standing, and so far there have been no problems with the design. The desk does not wobble, the lifting mechanism works clearly and smoothly. What is important is that ProgressiveDesk uses quite powerful motors to adjust the height, which allows the desk to withstand even quite a lot of weight. I have two monitors, a laptop, a keyboard, a mouse and a few other small things on my desk - and even with such a load, the table does not lose stability. If we talk about the mechanism, its adjustment really does not cause any problems. It works almost silently, does not crack or jam. When the table is raised or lowered, its surface remains level and does not wobble, which is very important to me.Author: tbes50203 Time: 6 DayBefore
I also thought about buying a frame from ProgressiveDesk, but decided against it. The price is quite high, and I'm not sure I could justify it on a budget. However, after reading Irina's review, it became much clearer to me how much this desk is worth the money.
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