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Title: Outlook PST to MBOX Converter Tool [Print This Page]

Author: dechristan    Time: 7 DayBefore
Title: Outlook PST to MBOX Converter Tool
Outlook PST to MBOX Converter Tool to repair damaged/broken PST file data, But all software are not worth for using it. You can easily recover lost PST data items including- emails, contacts, tasks, notes, and many more by using this professional application ViceVersa PST to MBOX Converter Software. This tool has advanced features to export any large size encrypted PST file into several small MBOX, and also convert MBOX to PST . Users may effortlessly convert all Thunderbird emails to PST using this application without losing any data.  Users can use this application to convert all of their mailbox emails into PST and save them wherever on their desktop. It works with all Windows OS versions, including Windows 8, 8.1, 10, 11, Vista, and XP. Try the demo pack this application, in which you can transform the starting 25 email items from each folder of PST to New Outlook PST formats.

Author: mariahirthe    Time: 6 DayBefore
You can also use an automated PST to MBOXConverter Tool for Mac & Windows. This software can convert multipleOutlook PST files to MBOX file format with all emails, formatting, attachments,and other items without any problem. It is a very easy-to-use application.Everyone can easily manage and work with this program without having technicalskills. It supports all MBOX based email clients like Apple Mail, Entourage,Eudora, SeaMonkey, Thunderbird, and so on. It was compatible with both macOSand Windows OS.

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