Title: MPG problem - 2 phase signal posible to connect ? [Print This Page] Author: Yrij Time: 2020-10-27 02:50 Title: MPG problem - 2 phase signal posible to connect ? My MPG wheel has only A B signal instead of A B A- B- , - Can it work with DDCSv1.1 or not ? Everything connected but axis do not move. Author: admin Time: 2020-10-27 13:42
controller WHA+ to MPG A;
Controller WHA- to MPG GND;
Controller WHB+ to MPG B;
Controller WHB- to MPG GND.Author: Yrij Time: 2020-10-31 17:14
Thanks ! But before reading this post , I replaced the encoder with A-,B- so will have spare one..
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