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Title: How to Convert Gmail Emails to Excel File? [Print This Page]

Author: aloraeve    Time: 2025-1-23 19:23
Title: How to Convert Gmail Emails to Excel File?
Last edited by aloraeve In 2025-1-23 19:29 Editor

You can use the Advik Gmail Backup Tool to directly export Gmail emails to Excel file easily. The tool allows you to convert a complete Gmail to export into CSV format without any issues. It keeps your data and folder structure intact throughout the process. You can also use advanced filters to convert specific emails based on date range, sender, recipient, subject, and more.

Steps to Convert Gmail Emails to Excel File -

1. Run the Advik Gmail Backup tool.

2. Enter your Gmail login details.

3. Select CSV from the multiple saving options.

4. Browse the targeted location and hit the Backup button.

Done! Here you export Gmail emails to CSV/Excel file in a few simple clicks.

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