AZ-500 Exam Dumps to achieve the compliance goal of yourorganization. Azure has a service known as Azure Government which is aphysically separated instance of Azure to meet the compliance and securitystandards for US government workloads. Similarly, Azure launched ‘AzureGermany’ in 2018 to meet German data privacy regulations and rules. DescribeAzure pricing Service Level Agreements, and Lifecycles (20-25%) In thissection, most of the questions will be asked about Azure cost management,zone-wise billing concept, and Azure cost management. documentation to understand the importantbilling concepts like subscriptions and billing accounts. You can track and
AZ-500 Dumps analyze the organizational costs on various azure services with the help ofAzure Cost Analysis. Azure Provides a Pay as you go as well as reservedinstances pricing model with different pricing units for each service. You alsoneed to read about services available in the free Azure account, variousofferings to purchase azure products and services, and service level agreements(SLA). You need to understand the Lifecycle of features, preview features,monitor features are also important sections to focus on. Azure has a widerrange of support plans like Basic, Developer, Standard, and ProfessionalDirect. You can choose any plan supports plans as per your need. You may getmore information about it by How to prepare for this exam?