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Title: Continuous movement of Axis A [Print This Page]

Author: stivemaster    Time: 2019-7-22 22:49
Title: Continuous movement of Axis A
Last edited by stivemaster In 2019-7-22 23:33 Editor

Unfortunately, I encountered this controller with software version 89. Now, on another controller that came with version 99, I installed version111 and I still see the same mistakes. With the development of the controller software, people who do not understand the job with a machine on which this controller will be placed.

First problem:
After installing the new version of the software, the PAGE button does not work if the flash is not inserted. What is this error?
Second problem:
Right now, I can not understand how it is possible for all axes to work almost normally, and only the A jog is working constantly in the first pressed direction and does not stop. The MGP mode normally works in one direction and the other. Please tell us where this annoying mistake comes from!

And a little more constructive criticism!
The settings continue to include the fifty types of gears that have to be set and are not complied with. There is still a detailed description of the tuning parameters !!!
It is not time to consult with a specialist to explain that the CNC machines have only the maximum speed. It is used at G0. G1 is a percentage of G0 and is determined by G code as usually reaching 100%. The jog speed is in percent of the maximum and depends on whether there is a fast and slow jog button and usually is 30-50%. The home speed is in percent of the maximum and is usually 10-30%.
What is not understood , that new types of speeds have to be invented?

Author: ytliu    Time: 2019-7-23 07:04
Sorry for the trouble. I will check the program today.
Author: ytliu    Time: 2019-7-23 16:38
Last edited by ytliu In 2019-7-23 16:39 Editor

Ver:2019-07-23-112 Description:
1. Fixed an error that the file list could not be displayed in the file page without inserting USB stick;
2. Correct the error that the A axis cannot be stopped in the CONT mode in some controllers;(Pending verification)


610 KB, Down times: 839

Author: ytliu    Time: 2019-7-23 16:45
Thanks for your suggestion. Due to compatibility, your suggestion cannot be adopted in DDCS.I will adopt your Suggestions in the future controller products.
Author: stivemaster    Time: 2019-7-23 22:33
I want to say that I have good feelings and know how hard it is to develop.
I appreciate your reaction, but I will also add that the controller does not observe the overall acceleration ramp when running a home. I want to remind you that there must be only one ramp for the acceleration and this is what the tuner thinks they can perform the engines.
Author: ytliu    Time: 2019-7-24 07:12
I tested the HOME operation and found no problems you said.
When HOME is executed, it will accelerate to the HOME speed according to the acceleration set by #45-#48. When the zero signal is detected, it will decelerate to stop according to the acceleration set by #263-#266.
Author: stivemaster    Time: 2019-7-24 20:52
Last edited by stivemaster In 2019-7-24 21:04 Editor

The Problem continue, don't respect acceleration ramp during HOME procedure.
Problem disappeared after pressing EMERGENCY STOP.
When pressing HOME again the problem is back, don't respect acceleration ramp during HOME procedure - AGAIN.


awaiting THE NEW software VERSION

Author: ytliu    Time: 2019-7-24 21:11
I don't quite understand.
Author: ytliu    Time: 2019-7-24 21:21
When HOME is executed, it will accelerate to the HOME speed according to the acceleration set by #45-#48. When the zero signal is detected, it will decelerate to stop according to the acceleration set by #263-#266.After the motion stops, the system will retreat at a speed of 50mm/min. When the zero signal disappears, the motion will stop immediately and the mechanical coordinate here will be set to 0.
Author: stivemaster    Time: 2019-7-24 23:02
Last edited by stivemaster In 2019-7-24 23:06 Editor

Maybe you wanted to get it but in practice the HOME procedure breaks something in the program and the controller forgets the acceleration and deceleration ramp. If we restart the controller or even just press Emergency Stop and try the jog ramp it is restored.
In addition, on Axis Z and Axis X, the controller does not search for a home signal but makes a short minus and then a plus and says it is in HOME.
I still think there is something broken in the program.
How do I download all the parameters and show them here?


Author: ytliu    Time: 2019-7-25 06:19
Please send me the ‘setting’ and ‘uservar’ files in the /mnt/nand1-1 directory.
In the file page, enter /mnt/nand1-1, move the cursor to the 'setting' file, press 'TAB' to copy, then enter the usb stick directory (generally /udisk-sda1/), and press 'SHIFT' to paste.
Copy 'uservar' to usb stick in the same way, then compress the two files into a zip file and upload them to forum.
Author: stivemaster    Time: 2019-7-28 21:51
It's so hard to upload this to the forum. Three days I could not even get in. !!!

6.3 KB, Down times: 655

Author: ytliu    Time: 2019-7-29 07:51
I checked your configuration parameters, please set #33 to be greater than or equal to 12mm/min, it will solve your problem.

JOG motion is done in the FPGA. Due to the data width limitation of the FPGA internal registers, the filling of motion parameters is subject to rules.
Taking the X-axis as an example, the initial speed register VS=#33*#34/600. Since the VS register cannot be less than 1, the minimum value of #33 = 600 / #34 = 600 / 50 = 12mm / min.

I recommend that the number of pulses per mm be no less than 320, which will avoid many problems due to improper parameter settings.

Author: stivemaster    Time: 2019-7-30 23:46
Last edited by stivemaster In 2019-7-31 00:51 Editor

After adjusting # 33 is a bit better but that's the next problem - the X axis does not seek a signal from the sensors in a negative direction, and without moving it writes zeroes.
What you write about the number of impulses per mm is, in my opinion, absurd, because in my case, when driven by rack and pinion, 320 impulses are more than the drivers can do.
Author: ytliu    Time: 2019-7-31 10:40
Last edited by ytliu In 2019-7-31 11:19 Editor

How do you connect zero signal? X-- LIMIT or X ++ LIMIT or X ZERO?
If you use X++ LIMIT as the zero signal, you need to set #116("X-axis zero signal source select") to 2, set #404("Limited siganl active of X++") to 1, Set #412("Effective electric level of X++") as the case may be.

Regarding the motion parameters, if you can't increase the number of pulses per mm, I suggest: #33 is set to 50; lower manual mode UACC and DACC, such as 10; increase HOME speed, such as 1500;

Author: stivemaster    Time: 2019-8-9 14:40
Last edited by stivemaster In 2019-8-9 14:42 Editor

Come on, this forum is finally working!
Author: JV71    Time: 2020-2-12 14:43

Anyone can assist with setting up 4 axis on DDCSV2.1 controller.

I have it all connected but seems that the steps on the a axis is out. I have tried to lower the steps in the controller and on the drive and it is still out. If I move the a axis 0.2 degrees my a axis motor moves 2 degrees, this is at it lowest setting already.

my a axis ratio is 4/1 ( motor turns 4 times then the Chuck turned 1 time)

My drive is set to 400 pulses
Controller is set as follow:
A axis pulse unit -----pulse/deg
a axis pulse equivalency ---------50.000
a axis max speed in m control mode -------99.000 deg/min

Author: jjae6    Time: 2020-2-12 22:41
Last edited by jjae6 In 2020-2-12 22:43 Editor

Hi JV71

If you need an "A axis pulse equivalency" with a lower value, you can edit in your PC with a"Notepad++"  program style the file "eng" and change the "-min" parameter to your need ( download first a firmware and unzip it ):

#38  -t1 -s1"A axis pulse equivalency" -s2"" -m2 -min=50.000 -max=999999.000

To :

#38  -t1 -s1"A axis pulse equivalency" -s2"" -m2 -min=1.000 -max=999999.000

Then Update firmware to your DDCSV
Then  change #38 parameter to you need, e.g. 5.000 .

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