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Title: One dangerous bug and a G53 out of sync bug [Print This Page]

Author: JPoepsel    Time: 2018-12-31 22:18
Title: One dangerous bug and a G53 out of sync bug
Hi All!

Yesterday I detected a dangerous bug in the DDCSV software:
If a comments in the G-Code following a ";" is too long (dont know exactly, how long, about 80 characters) , the behaviour of the controler is undefined or it hangs completely!
I don't know if the same is true with the "()" comments - may be.

Another "bug" which appears yesterday: My world- and G53 coordinates are out of sync! E.G. G53 G00 G90 Z10 results in a world Z-coordinate of -187,5! Homing, resetting... does not help.
This 177,5 difference appeared after a controller crash (caused by the "too long comment bug" described above) and since then it is burned into the controller. Has anybody an idea how to get rid of it? May be setting some #xxx values?

When switching between the different corrdinate G54..G59+"Mach" by the controller buttons, G53 is never displayed. But: Using a program, which useses G53 at it's end, you may see the "G53" (colored in green as "Mach") in the display even after the end o the program. This is a bit dangerous, if your next program dose not switch to G54 in the first statements...

Ytliu, the G53 out of sync bug is urgent for me, do you have any quick idea?

Thanx in advance


Author: edelec    Time: 2019-1-1 23:09
Hopefully you have a backup of your Settings file. I would overwrite the current with your backup.
Author: edelec    Time: 2019-1-1 23:19
Maybe check #82 for -197.5 first.
Author: JPoepsel    Time: 2019-1-2 20:12
Hi edelec,

checking #82 for a wrong value was too easy. Sadly ist value is 2.5mm, as expected…
I have an (somewhat outdatet, of course) backup of my settings, but before overwriting them, I'll wait a day or so for an answer from ytliu, may be he reads this…

Happy new year from Germany


Author: JPoepsel    Time: 2019-1-4 19:10
Hi all!

I got rid of this unusual G53 behvour by using the G153 instruction instead. The only difference is, that G153 seems to need paramters to work which was not a big deal in my case.
It was mentioned here in another post that G53 "does not work". I think, this is not completely correct. There seems to be a difference beteween the 0,0,0 cordinates after homing (I think, this are the "MACH"-coordinates) and the G53 coordinates - the only Problem is, that the G53-to-Mach-Offsets can not set by hand in normal cases, since G53 is not selectable by keyborad. Sometimes, this green "G53"-cordinate system appears in the display after a program end (currently I don't have a clou, when exactly) and changin it by zero-ing e.g. the Z coordinate results in the problems. But this only an educated guess...
Perhaps ytilu can clearify this a bit.
This embarrassing bug concerning the too Long comments still remains and I hope, this will be fixed soon!


Author: ytliu    Time: 2019-1-8 06:45
Sorry, I didn't answer your question in time.

In the DDCSV system, G53 is a separate coordinate system, which is built on the MACH coordinate system, and G54-G59 is built on the G53 coordinate system. G53 is not a MACH coordinate system motion command.

The G53 is used in the same way as the G54-G59. It can be used to switch the coordinate system. You can modify the configuration file (eng) to manually set the G53.

#395=1 -t2 -s1"support of G53 coordinate sys" -s3"0:support,1:not support" -m0 -min=0.000 -max=1.000 -i0"Yes" -i1"No"
Change to
#395=0 -t2 -s1"support of G53 coordinate sys" -s3"0:support,1:not support" -m0 -min=0.000 -max=1.000 -i0"Yes" -i1"No"

As for the comment, as you said, the current comment buffer length is 80. If the length is exceeded, it will cause the system to freeze.

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