I set X Y Z and A to zero in the controller and using the 54-59 coordinate systems
then run a test nc file which comprises N100 f50.0, N110 G1 X10, only 2 lines.
After pressing "Start" the system moves to X93.65 ,Y126.75, Z -1.357 and
A 6.347 then it moves to X10.
Why does it do this and what do I need to do to stop this?
JohnAuthor: Lindo Time: 2018-12-28 17:20
Forgot to mention, also I get the same results the MACH co ordinate system.
SpainAuthor: Phillip_Petty Time: 2019-4-4 19:12
There are 2 possible reasons the Start Point 0,0,0 is incorrect or the step / mm has an error of 100/93.65 for X 110/126.75 Y Z is not requested to move, therefor check that you have set the home position before you start the sequence
N100 f50.0, N110 G1 X10
X93.65 ,Y126.75, Z -1.357
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