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Title: Tracking your progress [Print This Page]

Author: vicecrufoli    Time: before yesterday 19:53
Title: Tracking your progress
How do I track my weight loss progress without a scale? Weight often changes due to water or muscle mass, and this doesn't always reflect results. What alternatives do you use? Maybe volume measurements, “before and after” photos, changes in clothing, or how you feel? Share your tips!

Author: womocratouzo    Time: before yesterday 21:59
I agree, that scales are not always the best indicator. Body measurements (waist, hips, chest) give a better idea of progress. “Before and after” photos in the same position and clothes are also very helpful. Focusing on how your clothes fit is a great indicator! If you want to speed up results, consider weight loss injections that you can visit to buy Saxenda. It controls your appetite and helps you lose weight faster. But remember, it is not a panacea - proper diet and activity are still important. Before using it, be sure to consult your doctor to make sure the drug is right for you.
Author: tranezoontyn    Time: before yesterday 22:41
I find that measuring volume is a great way to track progress, especially when the scale doesn't show what you're expecting. I also like to focus on my own well-being and energy. If I feel more strength and lightness, then I'm on the right track.

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